quick note on how to create a minecraft server on ubuntu
using commonly available VPS services such as DigitalOcean or whatever you might have

hosting a very basic vanila server for 2-10 players
recommended to have at least 4GB RAM (1 for system, 3 for Minecraft)
always use latest LTS version of your OS

usual update and stuff

apt update
apt upgrade

getting java 16 for minecraft 1.17+

apt install openjdk-16-jre-headless

opening firewall to minecraft server

ufw allow 25565

ufw enable

add seperate user

honestly no idea why, saw one guide does it for security reason.

useradd -m -r -d /opt/minecraft minecraft

switch to minecraft server user

su - minecraft

download minecraft server file

wget -O /opt/minecraft/minecraft_server.jar [put server file link here]

go to server directory

cd /opt/minecraft

call server to generate starter file

java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui initSettings

give permission to minecraft server user

chown -R minecraft /opt/minecraft

actually running the game server (with 3gb ram)

java -Xmx3G -Xms3G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

read more stuff

Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 20.04

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